Saturday, March 30, 2024

New for 2024: Plan Your Tour App!


Now you can plan your pottery road trip right from the website! With support from the Maine Arts Commission, we've created the Plan Your Tour app. Here's how it works:

How do I use the Plan My Tour Web App?

Step 1: Find some studios you plan to visit.

On the home page of our website you can browse studios in the 7 legs of the tour. These legs are based on where they are located in Maine and include: Central, Coastal, Southern, Portland, Western, Downeast and Northern. Click on the legs to view a list of studios.

find studios

*Note that you can also use the search to find studios as well.

When you see a studio you are interested in, click the “Check out [studio name]” button to view that studio. If you’d like to add it to your tour plan, simply click the “Add to Trip” button.

find studios example

Step 2: Add your Email to your Tour Plan

The Plan My Tour Web App uses cookies to save your studio selections to the smart phone, computer or other device you are using. You can view your tour plan on other devices if you enter your email to the “My Settings/Preferences” section and click “Update”. You will then be emailed a 6 digit number to verify your email.

On any other device you would like to view your tour map, simply “Login”. No passwords necessary, you will login by getting another 6 digit code sent to the email you have associated with your map.

login to plan your tour

Step 3: Visit Studios and Get Badges!

On May 4th and 5th, use your Plan My Tour App, to keep track of all the studios you plan to visit. When you have visited a studio, click the “Mark Visited” button on that studio in your list. You may receive badges, if that’s the case the badges will pop up on your screen. Badges are based on the number of studios you have visited and there are also badges for visiting each leg of the tour.

mark visited

Please keep in mind:

*You will need an internet connection for the Plan My Tour Web App to function and cellular connections can be spotty in some places around the state of Maine. If you visit a studio where cellular connections are weak, just go back to the app later and mark it visited when you have a better connection.

*This web app will function to some extent if you have disabled cookies on your device but you will definitely want to enter an email in your tour plan settings so you can retrieve it later. You will likely need to login to your tour plan multiple times on the tour if cookies are disabled.

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